
Sorry for the delayed update. We are safe and sound!

The internet connection, if you’re familiar with this trip, is a special and rare commodity. However,  our team has used these three days for travel and exploration of Alaska as well as get situated here at camp. What is been unique about this year as opposed to ones in the past is that we were able to visit some sites in Fairbanks and were able to sleep in a church and taken care of well by the Mellinger family.

They have a beautiful home and it’s purpose is for the very thing in which they did for us and that is to open the home for hospitality.

 After a couple nights there in Fairbanks we traveled Sunday morning to camp. We spent the day being oriented as staff members and enjoyed some good camp food.

 Monday which is today, 8 July, We have the privilege of seeing the campers in. Victoria has been assigned a larger role that in the past and oversaw all of the flights coming in and out of camp. Tomorrow we are going to embark on the first day at camp with the campers.

There are pictures to come but the Internet is running out!

Pray for us as the team is being encouraged by the word and prepared to pour them selves out for the sake of the gospel and for the benefit of these souls here. There are some heart hearts and some scoffers and we’re excited to see them them influenced  by the word of God.

Will be able to update you more tomorrow! Blessings.


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